Remember! english version below.
Estimados compañeros/as,
Dado vuestro interés en conocer de forma detallada la cobertura del seguro en caso de trabajar fuera de horario, el Comité de Empresa hizo una vez más la consulta a Administración y abajo podéis leer la contestación a la misma. Esta información se colgará en breve en el apartado Documentos de este mismo blog para que siempre esté a vuestra disposición en caso de duda.
Todos los trabajadores de CIC bioGUNE, en el desempeño de su puesto de trabajo, están cubiertos, en cumplimiento de la normativa laboral, tanto en la cobertura de Contingencias Comunes como en la de Accidente de Trabajo o Enfermedad Profesional por Mutualia. Además, en nuestro caso, y adicionalmente, hay cubiertas ciertas garantías, dentro del apartado de Accidentes de Trabajo, en la póliza de Responsabilidad Civil de Explotación que CIC bioGUNE tiene contratada.
Ateniéndonos a lo establecido en el Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1994, de 20 de junio, accidente de trabajo es toda lesión corporal que el trabajador sufra con ocasión o por consecuencia del trabajo que ejecute por cuenta ajena.
Tienen la consideración de accidentes de trabajo, los que sufra el trabajador al ir o al volver del lugar de trabajo así como los ocurridos con ocasión o por consecuencia de las tareas que, aun siendo distintas a las de su categoría profesional, ejecute el trabajador en cumplimiento de las órdenes del empresario o espontáneamente en interés del buen funcionamiento de la empresa.
No tienen la consideración de accidente de trabajo los que sean debidos a fuerza mayor extraña al trabajo, entendiéndose por ésta la que sea de tal naturaleza que ninguna relación guarde con el trabajo que se ejecutaba al ocurrir el accidente y los que sean debidos a dolo o a imprudencia temeraria del trabajador accidentado.
Es decir, siempre que el accidente ocurra mientras el trabajador esté desarrollando actividades propias de la ejecución del contrato de trabajo, y no sean debidos a fuerza mayor extraña al trabajo o a dolo o imprudencia del trabajador accidentado, el incidente quedará cubierto por la cobertura de Contingencias Profesionales. Es por ello que se ha reiterado a lo largo del tiempo la necesidad de controlar quién está en el Centro trabajando fuera del horario laboral.
Dear colleagues,
Considering the interest shown regarding insurance coverage when working outside the timetable, Works Committe asked again Administration for detailed information and here the explanation. We will upload this information to the Documents section of this blog for you to access it freely at any moment in case of doubt.
All CIC bioGUNE employees, in the performance of their work duties, are covered in compliance with labor regulations by Common Contingency coverage and Occupational Hazard and Illness insurance through Mutualia. Furthermore, in our case, there is additional coverage guaranteed under the heading of “Occupational Accidents” in the “Civil Liability for Exploitation” policy that CIC bioGUNE has contracted.
According to the provisions of Royal Decree Law (1/1994; June 20), an accident at work is defined as “any bodily injury that a worker suffers related to or through the consequence of work performed by/for others”.
Work-related accidents include those in which the worker is injured while going to/returning from the workplace. Also included are those that occur during, or as a consequence of, tasks which, although different from those of their professional status, are performed in compliance of employer’s orders or spontaneously in the interests of the company’s normal operation.
Accidents not considered as work-related are those due to force majeure unrelated to work, meaning that it is only a coincidence that the accident happened while the affected person was “at work”. Also, accidents which stem from fraud or gross negligence of the injured worker are not included.
In other words, if the accident occurs while the worker is doing activities related to her/his work contract (e.g. <>, and the accident is not due to force majeure or non-work-related activities, or is not due to willful misconduct or gross negligence of the injured worker, the incident will be covered by the Professional Contingency coverage contracted by CIC bioGUNE. For this reason, we have reiterated over time the need to control who is working in the center outside of the normal working hours.
According to the provisions of Royal Decree Law (1/1994; June 20), an accident at work is defined as “any bodily injury that a worker suffers related to or through the consequence of work performed by/for others”.
Work-related accidents include those in which the worker is injured while going to/returning from the workplace. Also included are those that occur during, or as a consequence of, tasks which, although different from those of their professional status, are performed in compliance of employer’s orders or spontaneously in the interests of the company’s normal operation.
Accidents not considered as work-related are those due to force majeure unrelated to work, meaning that it is only a coincidence that the accident happened while the affected person was “at work”. Also, accidents which stem from fraud or gross negligence of the injured worker are not included.
In other words, if the accident occurs while the worker is doing activities related to her/his work contract (e.g. <>, and the accident is not due to force majeure or non-work-related activities, or is not due to willful misconduct or gross negligence of the injured worker, the incident will be covered by the Professional Contingency coverage contracted by CIC bioGUNE. For this reason, we have reiterated over time the need to control who is working in the center outside of the normal working hours.
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