viernes, 26 de junio de 2015


Ya está disponible en el apartado Documentos el Reglamento de Funcionamiento Interno del Comité de empresa para que cualquier trabajador/a pueda conocer nuestro trabajo, cómo contactar con nosotros/as y en qué supuestos podemos apoyaros!
Puedes consultarlo en el siguiente enlace también:

Esperamos vuestros comentarios y sugerencias como siempre.

Now available at Documents Section the Committee regulations so that every worker can know our work, how to contact us and in whick cases we can give you support!

You can also have a glance at the link above

Looking forward your comments and suggestions.

viernes, 19 de junio de 2015


If you want to attend a course before the end of the year and would like to know if this could be subsidized, just contact us!

These are the general requirements:

  1. Be part of CIC bioGUNE staff (a requirement from the Foundation in charge of dealing with this issue: TRIPARTITA, as the budget comes ONLY from salaries paid by bioGUNE). In case of doubt regarding contracts, please check your situation with administration (Ikerbasque, Ciberehd…).

  1. Attend courses of Compulsory Education (Cámara de Comercio or Official School of Languages among others).
  1. Send an email  BEFORE JULY 15TH to Works committee writing the following sentence in the subject: ATT. DELEGADA DE FORMACIÓN 

  1. When requested, get the documentation to prove the payment of the course and assistance.
Despite language courses start in September-October, please let us know by July your plans to have enough time to arrange everything (we need some time in advance to get the documents ready and calculate the budget available) and when the time comes, provide us the documents mentioned above.

For any other kind of courses, just inform us!

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any doubt or need further information (Note that People contacting Works committee will receive detailed and personalized information in every case, depending on their situation).

Best regards,

Coralia Pérez